Sunday, April 22, 2007

changing for the better

I guess it is rather fitting that I begin this blog on Earth Day. I can honestly (and shamefully) say that this is the first Earth Day that I actually give a crap. Yes, I have been pretty good with recycling and I carpool to work, but that's pretty much it. In the last six months or so, I have become much more concerned about the environment and the amount of garbage and pollution that we create as individuals in North America. Everything is disposal and packaging is excessive. We have a pretty decent recycling program, but not everyone uses it. We continue to buy products that poison our soil and water. There is so much we can do to stop it but we don't. Why? We're too busy, too lazy, completely uninformed or we simply don't care.

With the environment and climate change being such a hot issue world wide I've really started thinking about what I can do to help. Yes I am just one person on this earth, but I can't be the only person trying to make better choices for our environment. As individuals we have so much power but we completely underestimate that power. As consumers we can choose to buy products that do not harm the environment. The more we do this, the more we send a message to industry that they need to change their ways.

So this is one of my first goals. Over the next few months, I plan to replace environmentally harmful products in my home with environmentally friendly products. Everything from cleaning solutions to cosmetics. I realize that this will be a pretty big change. There are so many items that I buy on a regular basis that adversely affect the environment. Some of my favourite products are ones that I will never buy again.

And it's not just the environment I am concerned with. We eat so much processed crap and use skin care products filled with chemicals. This can't be good for us and we've been fooling ourselves for years thinking that we can use these items and not suffer the consequences. I'm no scientist, but I'm sure that these things contribute to the enormous array of illness and disease that we encounter today. My goal in this area is to eliminate all processed foods from my diet and move towards using natural cosmetic products.

I don't expect to make these changes overnight and I'm not sure I will be 100% successful but I feel that I owe it to myself to try.

So here I go! Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

hey-- i think what you are doing is awesome-- and your definitely not alone, I also have been working to make those changes in my life. The more people that choose this the more the impact!

vivian said...

thanks for your support amber. I totally agree. We have more power than we realize!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the ENJO line of cleaning cloths? All you need to use with them is water and they clean better than anything else I used to have in my house with less effort or muscle required. You have to see it to believe it. I now use no chemical cleaning products in my home - just the cloths and water. It's made a huge difference.